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National Stock Numbers are 13-digit numeric codes assigned to all items that are procured, stocked, and distributed by the federal supply chain. The 13-digit code can be split into various subcategories:
Federal Supply Classification Group (FSCG) - The first 4-digits of the NSN. This is split into the FSG and the FSC.
Federal Supply Group (FSG) - The first 2-digits of the NSN.
Federal Supply Classification (FSC) - The second 2-digits of the NSN
FSG 31 includes different categories of bearings distinguished by design and lubricant
The Federal Supply Codes within FSG 31 that we supply include:
FSC 3110 – Bearings Antifriction Unmounted
Includes Ball Bearings; Roller Bearings; Balls; Races and exclude the Plain Bearings (FSC 3120); Jewel Bearings (FSC 3120). These particular bearings are mostly confined by a ring to decrease friction between the rotating machinery.
FSC 3120 – Bearings Plain Unmounted
Includes primarily bearings with “one piece” that hold or position moving parts. Often these one-piece bearings come pre-lubricated in their grooves, fittings, and facilities. These bearings include Sleeve Bearings; Split Bearings; Washer Type Bearings; Jewel Bearings. This group omits Antifriction Bearings (FSC 3110) and Mounted Bearings (FSC 3130).
Includes Bearings, Mounted. Much like the 3010 group this subgroup includes bearings with confined a ring to decrease friction in/on/around apparatuses. The group includes Pillow Block Units; Cartridge Units, Flange Units, Take up Units, Hanger Box Units, Flat Box Units, and Step Box Units. They strictly exclude Antifriction bearings (FSC 3110) and Plain Unmounted Bearings (FSC 3120).
ASAP Semiconductor is a leading distributor of aircraft products and spares. We work hand in hand with top manufacturers in the industry to source and ship premium parts. Submit an RFQ today and a dedicated account manager will respond within 15 minutes.