Connectivity and sensory are a major factor in aerospace. It is very important to have sensors and connectivity for a safe flight. TE Connectivity has introduced the Kilovac EV202 which is a very high powered contactor. The great thing about this high-powered contactor is that it is sustainable to hardship environments like hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, and earthquakes. Another great aspect about these contactors are they are super small and not heavy so they are easily accessible. Having a lightweight item will make it easy to carry and install, also it does not have any problems functioning or carrying the product. However, The difference between these new products and older models are the sizing and the withholding. Even military uses these long lasting contactors in their vehicles that run on electric. For example, military vehicles use the contactor as a use for energy and battery storage and motion control applications.
Another great thing about this contactor is the availability for the use in explosive areas where volcanoes go off, but also in the military where there is a lot of gun fire. The military systems becomes more flexible with this equipped contactor. The break levels are high since they are 2000A at 270 VDC and 700 A at 400 VDC. The coils that are there to choose from on the contactor are twelve or twenty four, two options. Bi-directional switching is an option you can also choose to allow full motion in every direction.
TE is up to 12 billion and is one of the kings of companies who supplies technology equipment. Another The great thing about being one of the leading technology suppliers are how our world has come so far in technology. Everyone relies on technology making this a huge business with plenty of room to grow. There are 72,000 people within the company of TE and 7,000 of them are engineers, making it amazing and very successful. They also have costumers all over the world, ranging in 150 countries. Aerospace Aviation 360 is owned and operated by ASAP Semiconductor, and they also supply military aviation parts, and are one of the leading suppliers.